And instead of But

A “simple” trick that I have many of my clients do - to begin to sit with ambiguity and to highlight the dialectics that occur within our everyday lives - is to switch the use of the word “but” to “and.”  Let me give an example.

Let’s say you’re describing a day that started out quite excellent, which then was interrupted with an inconvenience.  Many people would describe the situation in a way like this.

“Oh I was having the greatest day.  I woke up fully rested, I had an excellent cup of coffee, and my partner had taken the dog out for a walk; it was excellent.  But then I went to start the car and the battery was dead.”

When we use the word but, it negates everything that came before it.  We no longer care about that great morning, we instead are focused on the one perceived negative of the dead battery.  A more effective way of describing the situation, that allows the positives of the day to continue would be to swap “but” out for “and.”

“Oh I was having the greatest day.  I woke up fully rested, I had an excellent cup of coffee, and my partner had taken the dog out for a walk; it was excellent; And then I went to start the car and the battery was dead.”

It changes the tone of the thought we’re having and the story we’re telling both ourselves and others.  No longer is the positive discarded; instead both events are given space and it balances out a bit.

Give it a try!

3 Positives for Today

A great way to increase your optimism and sense of hope is to regularly look back at your day and note three positive experiences you had. This exercise can help begin to decrease broad generalizations when we look at our days while also redirecting our tendency to focus on the negatives (a cognitive distortion). Give it a try! Here are mine for today.

1) My hoodie, it’s keeping me warm through this cold stint.

2) Pizza. It’s Digiorno and I love it.

3) Completed some errands that I have been putting off.

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics is a newer area of study that looks at how the traumas we face may change the way our genes are expressed. This is a good article written by the BBC that explores this area of study. It’s somewhat long, and definitely worth the read.

BBC Article: Can the legacy of trauma be passed down the generations?

The take away that I’d like to highlight is that it’s not hopeless. Though some individuals may be at increased risk for certain issues; these can be addressed and “undone” through use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Mindfulness.